Ch ch ch ch changes…… It’s the only thing we can count on besides taxes and death! FSA is going through a lot of changes… all good, of course. First, I want to say that we have the best staff in all of the United States of America! Wow, these people make me so proud. They have nurtured and fostered an open, compassionate and welcoming environment. I know so because I have witnessed it, but you have also given me lots of feedback that says so. Thank you for that. Please continue to give us feedback about what you like, what you think needs improvement and what you would like to see offered.

As you can see from our website, we are offering lots of holiday workshops for you to handmake your holiday gifts! (Who needs Amazon when there is Fallbrook School of the Arts, am I right!?) To that end, if you love your art so much that you don’t want to give it away, we also have gift cards. You can purchase them in any amount for the special people in your life. Please see Sara or me to get yours today.
Ok, here are some of the changes at FSA:
Change #1 – New WiFi – We switched providers, and we now offer a new guest wifi when you are here. Check out the signs in each studio to stay connected.
Change #2 - Tow Away Signs - As you may have noticed, our parking lot is getting full almost every day. While this is excellent news, we need to keep it open for you as our paying clients, and for our staff. We installed tow away signs to deter non patrons. They are official signs, and we can tow so please let your friends know that while our aim is not to have to do so, we will if we need to. The signs include all the legal language and are compliant with local authorities having jurisdiction. There are three signs placed: one in front of Studio A door (shown), one at the entrance of our side parking lot and one in the side parking lot on the light pole. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the parking issue. If you come to a class or workshop and the parking lot is full, please find a safe space to park and then let us know. We have some parking in the back and can open that up if needed.

Change #3 – Supply Fee for Ceramics - Starting January 2025, we will be instituting a mandatory supply fee at the beginning of each ceramics session. You can choose between two fees. The first is $50 and includes 1 25lb bag of clay (your choice) and a fee for using glazes, tools and firing your work (extra firing fees are still in effect if you produce more than is allowed during your session). The second fee is $35 and includes using the glazes, our tools, and the firing fees but DOES NOT include a bag of clay. Since some of you have already expressed that you may still have clay left over after a session, we wanted to give you a choice. We encourage you to ask questions and do your research if you are concerned about the value of our program (Hint: we offer great value for the cost!). We have taken a lot of time to configure this change so that it is equitable for all involved.
Change #3 – Space Rental – We currently offer space rental for private groups to meet, gather, create art and team build. Starting December 1, we are increasing our hourly rate by $15 per hour to $50 per hour. If your event is planned outside of our normal office hours, currently M-F 10am- 4pm, you will NOT be charged an additional $20 per hour for a staff member to be here. If your event is outside of these hours, though, you may be charged that additional fee. Even at $70 per hour, we are still very competitive given the amount of space and amenities we offer. Should you rent space for an event, you or your organization are responsible for all required permits (ABC or other) and you will be asked to add us as an additional insured on your permit or business insurance.
Other than those changes, we are just doing our thing and delivering excellent art experiences to you and your kids. If you want to get more involved with FSA, here are some ways in which you can do so:
Become a volunteer – you can work a few hours a week for credit toward classes and workshops.
Underwrite upcoming special FSA events – We already have so many special events planned in 2025, such as guest artist demos, workshop intensives, concerts and much more. You can underwrite any of our events and we will give you recognition in our marketing materials (great for businesses!)
Donate – currently we have a list of equipment and items we really need to keep our studios running smoothly. Give me a call for a current list of needs. You can also donate scholarships for kids. Each scholarship is $175 and gives a child an opportunity to attend one of our kids’ programs, i.e. Mudslingers or Art Adventure Club. You can also write us a check to be used for whatever we need or whatever you would like to have in the art program of your choice.
We appreciate you being part of our thriving art community and can’t wait to see you soon.