What is it about Fallbrook School of the Arts that keeps you coming back year after year after year? As you may or may not know, our center is getting busier than ever. We are offering more workshops, classes and special events and you are responding to all of it! As I get to know you and your stories and what keeps you coming back to us, it clicked with me. “Creating and Connecting”…that’s what it’s all about. That’s why you are here. It’s not just an art class, it’s a time to create and connect with your neighbors, your friends, strangers, fellow artists, lifelong learners and most importantly, with yourself. It’s about having a place to go in the community that feels safe and allows you to experience freedom, and control, and gives you something to focus on other than the challenges of your lives. We love being that special place for you.
Creating and connecting is also what National Arts and Humanities Month is all about. According to the Proclamation on this month’s theme, this was written:
“The arts and humanities bring people together and show us that we have more in common than we have differences — helping us see each other, understand one another, and unite in common cause. Our artists and scholars embody the very spirit of America: the drive to create and connect, the pursuit of excellence, and the boldness to be truthtellers and change seekers.”
Isn’t that why we choose art? To create, connect, pursue the excellence within ourselves and to be bold? Don’t we tell our truths through what and how we create, and don’t we seek change when we create anything?
Art is a big deal. You, being here, right now, creating… is a big deal. We honor you, your stories, and your creations… and not because it’s Arts and Humanities month…because you are here, and you are part of our art community.
Fallbrook School of the Arts has been described as a “safe place” “my place of relaxation” “my place to feel that I am a big part of a bigger thing” and “my healing space”. Yes, yes, we are all of those things. And we want to be all of those things for you when and how often you need us.
From all of us at Fallbrook School of the Arts, thank you for being here. Thank you for continuing to support our organization and our efforts and thank you for being willing to share with us the stories of your lives.